- This event has passed.
National Online Forensics (Online)
December 21, 2024
TBDNational Online Forensics League
(December 21, 2024)
They are hosting an “online/virtual” debate event…
Day/Date: Saturday, December 21, 2024
Time: 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM (Approximate)
Location: Online (8×8 = Forensics Tournament).
Forensics Tournament (Link): https://forensicstournament.net/pine/24
Debate Events: Public Forum (Novice, JV, & Varsity), and Lincoln Douglas (Novice, JV, & Varsity).
Public Forum (NSDA): Resolved: The United States should substantially reduce its military support of Taiwan.
Lincoln Douglas (NSDA): Resolved: The United States ought to adopt a wealth tax.
Prizes: They will offer prizes (medallions/trophies) for the top teams and speakers.+
Event Requirements:
1.) Note = no tabroom.com account for this event (it uses your email).
2.) We must provide adult volunteer judges (adults = 18+).
3.) We must have a parent volunteer to remain for the entire “online” event.
Cost: $40-50 depending on how many participants we have. $100+ without volunteer judges.
I will try to get an estimate soon – it will be slightly expensive (very expensive if we hire a judge).
Registration Fees
- School Fee: $50
Debate Entry Fees
- One-person Debate (LD): $50 per entry
- Two-person Debate (PF): $60 per entry
Judge Fees and Penalties
- Missed Ballots
- First Missed Ballot: $25
- Subsequent Missed Ballots: $50
- Uncovered Slots (with Tournament Director Approval)
- Debate Team: $125 per team
- Judge Drops: $150 fee for drops within 24 hours of the tournament
- Incomplete Ballots: Judge no-show fee may apply!
Administrative Fees
- Late Changes: $25 per change after entry deadline
- Tournament Delay: $20-$100 based on severity
- Competitor No-shows: $35 (when coaches fail to notify the tournament)
For more information, please contact me:
Bill Eddy (billeddy@21stcenturydebate.org)