- This event has passed.
Wyatt Debate League (In-Person)
November 23, 2024
TBDWyatt Debate League (November 23, 2024)
They are hosting an “in-person” debate event…
Day/Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024
Time: 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM (Approximate)
Location: Grace M. James Academy of Excellence (Louisville, KY) [Website (for School)].
Tabroom.com (Link): https://www.tabroom.com/index/tourn/index.mhtml?tourn_id=33524
[From Wyatt Debate]:
“Wilson Wyatt Debate Tournaments: Mark your calendars for this year’s Wilson Wyatt Debate Tournaments! We’re thrilled to add new schools as hosts, so if you’re interested, please reach out to me at psanchezvilla@wyattdebateleague.org! September 28th, October 12th, November 23rd, February 8th, & April 26th.”
Debate Events: Public Forum (Novice, JV, & Varsity), and Lincoln Douglas (Novice, JV, & Varsity).
Public Forum (NSDA): Resolved: The United States should substantially reduce its military support of Taiwan.
Lincoln Douglas (NSDA): Resolved: The United States ought to adopt a wealth tax.
Prizes: They will offer prizes (medallions/trophies) for the top teams and speakers.+
Event Requirements:
1.) All attendees (Competitors and judges) must have an active Tabroom.com account.
2.) We must provide adult volunteer judges (or varsity students, grades 11-12, with experience).
3.) We must have a parent chaperone to remain for the entire event.
Cost: $5.00-$20 per person depending on how many volunteers we have.
SCHEDULE (Eastern Time): Public Forum (This is a PREDICTED Schedule!)
07:45 AM Check-in.
08:00 AM Round 1.
09:15 AM Round 2.
10:30 AM Round 3.
11:30 AM Lunch.
01:00 PM Round 4.
02:15 PM Round 5.
03:30 PM Semifinals.
04:30 PM Awards.
05:00 PM Finals.
For more information, please contact me:
Bill Eddy (billeddy@21stcenturydebate.org)