21st Century Skills Debate (Contest Results)

21st Century Debate Institute

Christmas Event (2022)

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me (Coach Bill)…
billeddy@21stcenturydebate.org Phone: +1(714)655-8135 (text is preferred – ty!).
Please scroll down to access the results… XLS.

Thank you, again to everyone whose hard work and effort helped make this event possible. Our volunteers/judges did another wonderful job and we continue to appreciate their feedback and advice to help us improve our speaking and thinking skills. With experience and practice comes excellent results.
[Next online event = February 2023] <= Any name/pun suggestions? “I [Heart] Debates” or “Cupid Debates” or [Other Ideas]?

21st Century Skills Debate (4-6th)

Top Team Awards (Grades 4-6th):
1st  Jay P.  [80% wins + 54.30 points]  = Medallion
1st  Kella S.  [80% wins + 54.30 points]  = Medallion
2nd  Aaradhya S.  [75% win + 51.50 points]  = Medallion
2nd  Nandini S.  [75% wins + 51.50 points]  = Medallion
3rd  Ritvik G.  [67% wins + 53.50 points]  = Medallion
3rd  Suryn C.  [67% wins + 53.50 points]  = Medallion
4th  Hannah M.  [50% wins + 54.00 points]  = Certificate
4th  Nandini S.  [50% wins + 54.00 points]  = Certificate

Top Speaker Awards (Grades 4-6th): 
1st  Hannah M.  [28.50 points]  = Medallion
2nd  Jay P.  [27.40 points]  = Medallion
3rd  Janet L. [27.10 points]  = Medallion
4th  Kella S.  [26.90 points]  = Medallion
5th  Ritvik G.  [26.83 points]  = Medallion
6th  Suryn C.  [26.67 points]  = Certificate
7th  Celina L.  [26.50 points]  = Certificate
7th  Danny ?.  [26.50 points]  = Certificate
9th  Ishan R.  [26.40 points]  = Certificate
10th  Satvik G.  [25.90 points]  Certificate

21st Century Skills Debate (6-8th)

Top Team Awards (Grades 6-8th):
1st  Kamille L.  [100% wins + 58.50 points]  = Medallion
1st  Zoe C.  [100% wins + 58.50 points]  = Medallion
2nd  Aryan R.  [100% wins + 55.50 points]  = Medallion
2nd  Vihaan V.  [100% wins + 55.50 points]  = Medallion
2nd Aarav T.  [100% wins + 55.00 points]  = Medallion
2nd  Havi S.  [100% wins + 55.50 points]  = Medallion

 Top Speaker Awards (Grades 6-8th): 

1st  Kamille L.  [29.75 points]  = Medallion
2nd  Ishaan B.  [28.75 points]  = Medallion
2nd Zoe C.  [28.75 points]  = Medallion
4th  Aarav T.  [28.67 points]  = Medallion
5th  Aryan R.  [28.50 points]  = Medallion
6th  Hannah M.  [28.50 points]  = Certificate
7th  Bhumika R.  [28.33 points]  = Certificate
8th  Alyssa M.  [27.42 points]  = Certificate
9th  Athena S.  [27.25 points]  = Certificate
10th  Vihaan V. [27.00 points]  = Certificate

Crossfire Only Event (4-6th)

Top Crossfire Debaters (Grades 4-6th):
1st  Hannah M.  [80% wins + 28.50 avg points]  = Medallion
2nd  Jay P.  [71% wins + 27.93 avg points]  = Medallion
3rd  Kella S.  [69% wins + 28.27 avg points]  = Medallion
4th  Nandini S.  [63% wins + 25.94 avg points]  = Medallion
5th  Emme N.  [60% wins + 29.10 avg points]  = Medallion
6th  Suryn C.  [50% wins + 27.92 avg points  = Certificate
7th  Satvik G.  [50% wins + 27.63 avg points]  = Certificate
8th  Aaradhya S.  [50% wins + 26.92 avg points]  = Certificate

Top Crossfire Speakers (Grades 4-6th): 
1st  Emme N.  [29.10 avg pints]  = Medallion
2nd  Hannah M.  [28.50 avg points]  = Medallion 
3rd  Kella S.  [28.27 avg points]  = Medallion
4th  Jay P.  [27.93 avg points]  = Medallion
5th  Suryn C.  [27.92 avg points]  = Medallion
6th  Celina L.  [27.73 avg points]  = Certificate
7th  Satvik G.  [27.63 avg points]  = Certificate
8th  Vihaan V.  [27.38 avg points]  = Certificate
9th  Ishan R.  [27.32 avg points]  = Certificate
10th  Janet L.  [27.21 avg points]  = Certificate

Crossfire Only Event (6-8th)

Top Crossfire Debaters (Grades 6-8th): 
1st  Kamille L.  [88% wins + 29.81 avg points]  = Medallion
2nd  Havi S.  [78% wins + 28.11 avg points]  = Medallion
3rd  Zoe C.  [75% wins + 29.38 avg points]  = Medallion
4th Prisha S.  [67% wins + 26.17 avg points]  = Medallion
5th  Aarav T.  [63% wins + 29.19 avg points]  = Medallion
6th  Lily Y.  [60% wins + 28.90 avg points]  = Certificate
7th  Bhumika R.  [50% wins + 28.56 avg points]  = Certificate
7th  Ishaan B.  [50% wins + 28.56 avg points]  = Certificate

Top Crossfire Speakers (Grades 6-8th):
1st  Kamille L.  [29.81 avg points]  = Medallion
2nd  Zoe C.  [29.38 avg points]  = Medallion
3rd  Aarav T.  [29.19 avg points]  = Medallion
4th  Lily Y.  [28.90 avg points]  = Medallion
5th  Aryan R.  [28.63 avg points]  = Medallion
6th  Ishaan B.  [28.56 avg points]  = Certificate
6th  Bhumika R.  [28.56 avg points]  = Certificate
8th  Athena S.  [28.14 avg points]  = Certificate
9th  Havi S.  [28.11 avg points]  = Certificate 
10th  Alyssa M.  [28.00 avg points]  = Certificate

Parent/Student Mailing Information (How to send awards to you!)

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