21st Century Skills Debate (Contest Results)

21st Century Debate Institute

Future Leaders Event (2023)

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me (Coach Bill)…
billeddy@21stcenturydebate.org Phone: +1(714)655-8135 (text is preferred – ty!).
Please scroll down to access the results… XLS.

Thank you, again to everyone who worked so hard and endured so much. I cannot believe that the storm knocked out our internet and yet we recovered using a cellular hotspot. Fortunately, the competitors and volunteers did a great job recovering and keeping the debates moving ahead. I cannot thank our volunteers/judges enough for staying later than you had originally agreed and for tolerating me when I was obviously feeling pressure and sometimes I was “rushing” you to get the debates done. We really do appreciate the feedback and the advice that helps us improve our skills.
[Next online event = April 29th-30th] <– Spring Championship Event!

21st Century Skills Debate Awards (Grades 4-6)

Top Team Awards (Grades 4-6th):
1st = Satvik G, Grade 4, 2-0, +103.00 Points
1st = Vihaan V, Grade 6, 2-0 +103.00 Points
2nd = Matilda R, Grade 5, 2-0 +100.25 Points
3rd = Andrei C, Grade 6, 1-1 +100.00 Points
3rd = Aryan R, Grade 6, 1-1 +100.00 Points
3rd = Kella S, Grade 3, 1-1 +100.00 Points
3rd = Kenshin Y, Grade 6, 1-1 +100.00 Points
5th = Alice S, Grade 5, 1-1 +97.00 Points
5th = Suryn C, Grade 5, 1-1 +97.00 Points
5th = Emme N, Grade 5, 1-1 +97.00 Points
5th = Jia K, Grade 5, 1-1 +97.00 Points
7th = Divith A, Grade 5, 1-1 +96.00 Points [Certificate]
7th = Ishan R, Grade 3, 1-1 +96.00 Points [Certificate]

Top Speaker Awards (Grades 4-6th): 
1st = Vihaan V, Grade 6, 52.50 Points
2nd = Kella S, Grade 3, 51.00 Points
2nd = Matilda R, Grade 5, 51.00 Points

4th = Aaradhya S, Grade 4, 50.50 Points
4th = Andrei C, Grade 6, 50.50 Points
4th = Emme N, Grade 5, 50.50 Points
4th = Prateek K, Grade 5, 50.50 Points
4th = Satvik G, Grade 4, 50.50 Points

9th = Alice S, Grade 5, 49.50 Points [Certificate]

9th = Aryan R, Grade 6, 49.50 Points [Certificate]
9th = Divith A, Grade 5, 49.50 Points [Certificate]

21st Century Skills Debate Awards (Grades 7-9)

Top Team Awards (Grades 7-9th):
1st = Alyssa M, Grade 6, 2-0 +108.50 Points
1st = Athena S, Grade 7, 2-0 +108.50 Points
2nd = Anish K, Grade 7, 1-1 +111.50 Points
2nd = Pritha S, Grade 7, 1-1 +111.50 Points
3rd = Bhumika R, Grade 8, 1-1 +108.50 Points
3rd = Maitri P, Grade 9, 1-1 +108.50 Points
4th = Aaditya V, Grade 7, 1-1 +105.50 Points [Certificate]
4th = Ekansh G, Grade 7, 1-1 +105.50 Points [Certificate]
5th = Diya P, Grade 6, 1-1 +104.50 Points [Certificate]
5th = Prisha S, Grade 7, 1-1 +104.50 Points [Certificate]

Top Speaker Awards (Grades 7-9th): 
1st = Anish K, Grade 7, 56.00 
2nd = Pritha S, Grade 7, 55.50 
3rd = Alyssa M, Grade 6, 54.50 
3rd = Maitri P, Grade 9, 54.50 
5th = Aaditya V, Grade 7, 54.00 
5th = Athena S, Grade 7, 54.00 
5th = Bhumika R, Grade 8, 54.00 

Crossfire Only Event (4-6th)

Crossfire Only Event (7-9th)

Top Crossfire Debaters (Grades 4-6th): 
1st = Satvik G, Grade 4, 100% Wins
1st = Andrei C, Grade 6, 100% Wins
3rd = Aryan R, Grade 6, 89% Wins
4th = Vihaan V, Grade 6, 80% Wins
5th = Diya P, Grade 6,  75% Wins 
6th = Aaradhya S, Grade 4, 64% Wins [Certificate]
7th = Abhi P, Grade 4, 50% Wins [Certificate]
7th = Havi S, Grade 6, 50% Wins [Certificate]

Top Crossfire Debaters (Grades 7-9th): 
1st = Prisha S, Grade 7, 75% Wins
2nd = Athena S, Grade 7, 67% Wins
3rd = Anish K, Grade 7, 50% Wins
3rd = Bhumika R, Grade 8, 50% Wins
3rd = Maitri P, Grade 9, 50% Wins
3rd = Pritha S, Grade 7, 50% Wins


Top Crossfire Speakers (Grades 4-6th): 
1st = Havi S, Grade 6, 28.75 Points
2nd = Aaradhya S, Grade 4, 28.44 Points
3rd = Aryan R,  Grade 6,  28.00 Points
4th = Aaditya C, Grade 4, 27.90 Points
5th = Vihaan V, Grade 6, 27.83 Points
5th = Abhi P, Grade 4, 27.75 Points [Medallion]
6th = Satvik G, Grade 4, 27.67 Points [Certificate]
7th = Suryn C, Grade 5, 27.60 Points [Certificate]
8th = Jia K, Grade 5, 27.50 Points [Certificate]
8th = Prateek K, Grade 5, 27.50 Points [Certificate]
10th = Alice S, Grade 5, 27.40 Points [Certificate]

Top Crossfire Speakers (Grades 7-9th):

1st = Athena S, Grade 7, 29.07 Points
2nd = Ekansh G, Grade 7, 28.67 Points
3rd  = Anish K, Grade 7, 28.17 Points
4th  = Bhumika R, Grade 8, 28.00 Points
5th = Pritha S, Grade 7, 27.83 Points


Parent/Student Mailing Information (How to send awards to you!)

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